Getting Yourself Prepared To Quit Smoking


When you have had enough of smoking and want to quit, you will need to prepare yourself for what you are about to go through and devise a plan to help you achieve your goal. Nicotine is highly addictive, and it can give you cravings and urges that are hard to cope with when going through withdrawal. However, by having a plan of how you will quit and ensuring you have a support mechanism, you can give yourself the best chances of success. Below are some tips to help you put together your plan to quit smoking that will help to increase the chances of this change in your life being for good.

Identify When You Smoke More

There are situations when smokers will often smoke more, and by identifying these triggers, you can help avoid these situations when you are trying to give up. It is common for people to smoke after meals, and instead of reaching for a cigarette, go for a walk after you eat instead. People also often smoke more when they are out drinking, so avoiding the pub for a month can not only help you quit but save a lot of money you would have spent on cigarettes and alcohol.

Use An Aid Or Go Cold Turkey?

You will also need to consider whether you will try going cold turkey or use one of the many aids you can utilise to help you stop smoking. You can try many things, such as a disposable vape pen, nicotine gum, nicotine patches, and various sprays and lozenges. These aids can be beneficial when you are trying to quit, and although they do contain nicotine, they are much healthier for you than smoking a cigarette. You will need to reduce the level of nicotine in the vape or patches you use, and over time you can slowly reduce the nicotine until you are no longer reliant on it. However, going cold turkey is often much more challenging as you have nothing to help you cope with the cravings and urges you get and requires an immense amount of willpower for your endeavour to be successful.

Tell Everyone Of Your Plans

You will also want to consider telling your friends and family of your plans so they can help support you while you try to give up smoking. You may also wish to speak to your doctor about it, and they will be able to offer you plenty of advice to help you. They can also go through the various aids to stop smoking you can consider using and give you their opinion on which ones they feel would be most beneficial for you.

Time To Take The Plunge

When you have looked at everything above, it is time to stop procrastinating and take the plunge, giving up tobacco for good. It will be hard work when you start, and you will face some challenging times, but it will get easier the longer you go without your cigarettes. Eventually, you will get to a point when you do not think about it anymore and are happy to get on with your life, feel much healthier, and save a lot of money in the process.

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